Tours abroad, shows

In 1987-1988 he played in one of the best Kur Orchestras in Germany, in Bad Nauheim, for several months.

Between 1983 and 1991, he toured as a pianist with his father's, Róbert Rátonyi, two-hour 'One-Man Show' in the USA,Canada, Israel, England, Sweden and Russia.

In 1990, he accompanied the 'Edit és Marlene' performance (E. Kútvölgyi, A. Vitai and l. Mikes) in Palma de Mallorca, in the world famous Teatre Principal.

 On several occasions he accompanied with his own orchestra the traditional New Year's Eve Gala Show in the Víg Theatre, and in the Fõvárosi Operett Theatre.

Since 1991, he has accompanied the show of two excellent artists, Ildikó Hüvösvölgyi and Péter Cseke, in their performance 'Kétszemélyes Bolondságok', which had a television recording, too. In 2000, they were guest performers in Basel and Bern.

In 1992, he accompanied with his orchestra the traditional Song and Dance Festival.

He was the music leader of the highly successful international Euroshow and Showszóró productions at the Conference Centre.

Between 1999 and 2000, he gave three highly successful super concerts at the Vígadó, and the Budai Parkszinpad, where he was music leader, instrumentalist and accompanied with his orchestra the 'Dívák Éjszakája' (The Night of the Dívas) concert ( Erika Miklósa, Andrea Malek, Andrea Szulák, Ildikó Keresztes, Angéla Póka, Piroska Pándy, Linda Király) and of the 'Trubadúrok éjszakája' (The Night of the Trubadours) concert (Tamás Somló, Ferenc Demjén, Roy and Adam, Sándor Sasvári, László Domahidy, Gábriel).

He has been traditionally the music leader and company with Zoltán Orosz accordion artist of the Chanson Competition of the French Institute, and the National Holiday Programmes of the French Republic.